In the vast and complex world of global transport and logistics, DSV A/S stands out as a Danish powerhouse, offering comprehensive services via road, air, sea, and train. Established in 1976 as “De Sammensluttede Vognmænd af 13-7 1976 A/S” or “The Consolidated Hauliers,” DSV has grown into a leading player in the industry. This blog post delves into what DSV stands for, its founding history, core services, and how you can become part of this dynamic logistics force.

DSV: Navigating the Global Logistics Landscape


What Does DSV Stand For?

DSV stands for “De Sammensluttede Vognmænd af 13-7 1976 A/S,” which translates to “The Consolidated Hauliers.” Founded by nine independent trucking companies and business developer Leif Tullberg in 1976, DSV has a rich history rooted in collaboration and innovation.

Core Services:

DSV prides itself on offering a wide range of transport and logistics solutions. Whether it’s moving goods by road, air, sea, or train, DSV has a global reach to meet the diverse needs of its clients. Among its key services is DSV Road, a leading road transport provider in Africa, specializing in configured supply chain solutions, secure courier services, and last-mile delivery across South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, and Swaziland.

Joining the DSV Team:

If you’re interested in becoming a part of the DSV team, the company has outlined essential qualifications and responsibilities. These include 12 months of Open Deck experience within the past 3 years, 2 years of over-the-road experience within the past 5 years, low CSA scores, a satisfactory driving record, and the motivation to be a successful business owner. DSV values individuals who bring dedication and expertise to the table.

Parcel Tracking with DSV:

For customers eager to track their parcels with DSV, the process is straightforward. Log into your DSV account and locate your customer reference number. Input this number into the DSV shipment tracking tool, and you’ll gain access to a list of all your current shipments. Additionally, if you have a receipt for another package traveling in the same container, you can use the container number to locate your package efficiently.

Contact Details:

To learn more about DSV and its services, you can reach out to them using the following contact details:

In the ever-evolving landscape of global transport and logistics, DSV continues to be a driving force, connecting businesses and facilitating the seamless movement of goods worldwide. Whether you’re a prospective team member or a customer seeking reliable logistics solutions, DSV’s commitment to excellence and innovation sets it apart in the industry. Explore the possibilities with DSV and experience a world of efficient and reliable logistics services.