

How do I contact OUTsurance?

Start your claim via our app or client portal. Or simply call us on 08600 70 000. We’re ready to help out. Thanks to our claims tracker, you can stay on top of the entire process via our app or client portal.

What are covered with OUTsurance?

OUT-and-About covers the personal possessions which you take out of the house; typically including clothing, jewellery, cell phones and photographic equipment. So, whether it’s the rings you wear, what you carry to work every day or when your luggage is packed for your holiday – we have you covered.

How do I claim r1500 from OUTsurance?

had a vehicle claim in the last 36 months and you have been insured by the same insurer for 36 months, ask us for your R1 500 and submit the required information via our website within 30 days of us sending you the quote via e-mail. effective for at least 30 days prior to the date of our quote.

Can OUTsurance call me back?

Online insurance quotes are the way to go! Simply complete your details, click on submit – and one of our sales advisors will call you back within a few minutes.
