KeyHealth medical aid

KeyHealth medical aid

Is KeyHealth a medical aid?

KeyHealth is an open medical scheme, offering a comprehensive healthcare product range that caters for the medical aid needs of both individuals and groups.

What is the cheapest medical aid in SA?

Best Medical Aids under R500 (2024)

🩺 Medical Aid✔️ Offers Medical Aid Plan Under R500?⚕️ Monthly Premium
1. Momentum HealthYesFrom R500
2. NetCareYesFrom R500
3. FedhealthYesFrom R500
4. Discovery HealthYesFrom R500

What is the waiting period for KeyHealth?

Waiting Periods

If you can prove continuity, your cover should commence immediately. If you can’t, you will be treated as a first-time member. You will face a three-month waiting period before you can make claims unless they relate to a prescribed minimum benefit (PMB).

What is the KeyHealth hospital Plan 2023?

With a prime rate and top-drawer value, this option offers an unlimited hospital plan, superlative day-to-day cover, self-funding gap and threshold, plus benefits for 55 chronic medical conditions, as well as increased dental cover, out of hospital mental health cover, unlimited oncology and prosthesis benefits, and …

keyhealth medical aid

keyhealth medical aid


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